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Last updated
Intellectra enables you to add a customizable AI learning assistant (AKA LectraBrain) to your lessons, enhancing your students' learning experience by providing immediate answers to course-related questions and reducing the need for human intervention.
Navigate to the lesson where you want to activate LectraBrain.
Edit the lesson and paste your video script or detailed content information into the Lesson Script field to ensure that the AI comprehends the content and can provide relevant answers in alignment with the lesson.
While adding a description of the lesson's content is an option, providing the entire lesson's script enhances the AI's understanding and ability to deliver pertinent responses.
Tip: If you recorded your lesson without a script, you can upload the video to a video-to-text conversion tool such as veed.io to obtain its script.
Click Save.
Navigate to the LectraBrain page on the left sidebar.
Customize the AI by:
Uploading an Avatar.
Giving it a name.
Adding an attention grabber.
Crafting an initial message.
Setting behavior preferences.
In the behavior preferences, you can choose its tone, language, and what it says or can't say. For example, you can instruct it to provide links to additional resources or not to answer questions that were not covered during the lesson.
Click Save.